Filters & Suction Hoses

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Filters & Suction Hoses

Filters & Suction Hoses Information

Pressure washer filters & suction hoses are accessories for pressure washer water inlet systems, whether to clean up the supply or to facilitate self priming operation. Suction hoses are required when using a machine to draw water from an unpressurised source like a tank or bucket (as opposed to a tap) - as long as the pressure washer is compatible with the suction hose and has self priming capability, it can then be used without having to connect to the mains water supply. A problem with using outside water sources like ponds and tanks is that they are usually full of small particulates that can damage a pressure washer if they are allowed to build up inside it over time. To combat this, water filters are used to prevent potentially damaging contaminants entering the machine and are essential when drawing water from outside sources, though they are also used when running a pressure washer off the mains to help ensure maximum service life and smooth operation over the course of the machines lifetime.

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