Faithfull Digging Bar

Rating  Overall Rating 4 stars

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Item Id :20995952

Rating  Overall Rating 4 stars  (4) read review(s)

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Faithfull Digging Bar

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Read 4 Customer Review(s) for Faithfull Digging Bar

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 4.4 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 4 stars
Overall Rating 4 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Derek 28/07/2010 07:22:25

Fantastic piece of gear,used it for digging out a long privet hedge.Digs,cuts roots and makes a first class crow bar. A good breakfast is required before use!

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Derek 06/07/2010 07:04:38

No need for weight training if used regularly, useful tool!

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 4.2 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 3 stars
Overall Rating 3 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Mark 17/08/2009 18:41:00

Invaluable tool. Heavy duty, will break concrete once started.Big boys toy.

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 3 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 4 stars
Overall Rating 4 stars
Overall Rating 3 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 3 stars

dan 13/10/2017 09:59:31

As a landscape gardener undertaking some heavy-duty manual groundwork I get to put my tools through a pretty rigorous test. This is a light-weight ground bar that is long enough to be lacks a tamping head, which is always a useful feature in a bar to secure fencing posts and the like, but I think it might be more aimed at chipping away at softer rocks- It is better employed for breaking slates and thin concrete as the bar will bend if you have to really put some effort through the tool. This is my second bar as I broke the tip off the last one trying to smash through 6 inches of concrete, and I have bent it a few times now putting posts in the ground as pulling the bar round in the hole can be too much for it. That said its a lot lighter than my heavier bars and was used for 2 years on a slate bedrock to chisel out some impressive trenches, its light weight and sharp point making it more suitable for that kind of work than a heavy bar. Over all its ok, but unless you are nibbling at a rock face then perhaps upgrade to something a bit more sturdy.

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